Real estate professionals can now securely capture and validate the identity of those they bring into a home. SafeShowings is a new app and the first of its kind, created to deter crimes committed against real estate professionals and homeowners. SafeShowings was created by, Helen Hudson who as a Realtor, has feared for her safety on numerous occasions. After learning of the increase of real estate professionals who have been murdered on the job, Hudson decided it was time to advocate for safe guards for the real estate industry and listing clients. SafeShowings makes it easy to request and securely record driver’s licenses while out in the field prior to entering a home.

In addition to securely recording a driver’s license, there are several additional features, to include: an open house option which enables the real estate professional to quickly and easily capture images of everyone who crosses through the door during a set time. There is also a feature that enables the user to alert emergency contacts as well as dial 911 with just a click of a button. Read more in the Charleston Regional Business Journal.